Supporting Small Business Owners in 6 Inexpensive Ways

small business owner

When the COVID-19 outbreak occurred in 2019, the worldwide economy suffered immensely. The majority of medium and small businesses were forced to shut down, and those still operating are struggling to survive day by day.

As a citizen, you have a responsibility to help local businesses survive; it’s vital to the development of the community. Remember that buying from a local shop can quickly translate into funds. Funds that business owners can use to keep their businesses operating. It allows them to keep their staff employed and opens doors of opportunities for business expansion, which is crucial to open new job vacancies.

Governments and private organizations are trying to help small and medium-sized enterprises or SMEs promote their goods and services. They organize local bazaars and profitable events where small businesses can market their products and services at a meager price.

Aside from buying, there are several ways to help local businesses keep going. Here’s how you can show support.

Follow and Engage in Their Social Media Pages

Social media have a broad reach all over the world. And so, supporting local businesses by following their pages and engaging in their posts is a great way to show support. As people spend more time browsing social media news feeds, these platforms have become the perfect place for small businesses to thrive.

Liking or following a small business page allows them to reach new customers, which can help them generate more income. Simple actions like giving post likes, sharing their content, and commenting on their posted photos can increase their social media presence.

engaging with small business

Give Feedback

If you are satisfied with a specific business’s services or products, take the time to leave positive feedback. Like you, other consumers want to spend their money on good quality things. A simple review can significantly help a small business attract more buyers in the future.

It would also be helpful to leave a short message of appreciation for the owner or the staff who assisted you. Make sure to include details you think would help them garner more buyers. For example, SDVOSB certified businesses are operated by disabled veterans. People typically sympathize with veterans for their sacrifices for the country, so include that information in your reviews.

Give Them a Shoutout

A social media shoutout is somewhat similar to feedback, but a few differences exist. Reviews typically focus on your opinion about a specific product or service. Meanwhile, a shoutout can be more personal. It’s your chance to boost small businesses by providing personal touches to promote them.

People think that shoutouts are for influencers only, but that’s not true. Simple things like tagging a small business page in your post give them more credibility. Giving shoutouts is also a subtle way of referring the business to your family and friends.

Spread the Word to the People You Love

Holidays are just around the corner, and if you’re looking for the perfect gifts to give to your loved ones, purchase from a local shop. Doing so is a great way to patronize small businesses in your area. Who knows? If they liked the product you gave, they might ask you where you bought it so that they can give it to other people too. As you can see, your actions can create a domino effect that can help businesses thrive.

Recommend the Small Business to Your Network

Being a member of an organization or community has its perks. Whether it’s for work, interests, hobbies, or advocacy, people from various walks of life assemble on the same ground.

Be a promoter of small businesses you support in the communities you belong to. Create a lengthy post to review a local skincare shop or talk about the newly opened hamburger stall in the plaza. If someone asks for your recommendation, suggest the small businesses you support to them.

Shop From the Heart

Avoid shopping from big establishments for your needs. If you genuinely want to support small businesses, shop from a local grocery store, hardware, or boutique. While small businesses may not always be the cheapest option, helping them survive is vital for a community’s growth.

Benefits of Supporting Small Businesses

Here’s why you need to keep supporting SME’s:

  • Local businesses boost the local economy.
  • SME’s provide employment.
  • They usually care about the community’s overall well-being.
  • Small businesses promote, build, and preserve community spirit.
  • They create solid relationships between staff, consumers, and owners.

Supporting small businesses in your own ways can go a long way. If you want to help your community and its members, start by promoting local shops to your friends and family. You don’t have to be a big internet star to make a difference. Sometimes, a simple like and comment are more than enough to help a business grow.

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